Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Let's admit it, working out and staying consistent is often hard to do. There are many days where I have to literally talk myself into going to the gym. Can you relate? Not only that, but actually getting a great workout where it is worth my time. Let's be real, some of us get dressed, go to the gym and chat with friends or barely workout, just doing the bare minimum. This behavior has disaster written all over it and you are only selling yourself short in the end. Losing weight or whatever you're health goals are, requires that you put in 100% effort to get the results you desire. You have to be in it to win it. Ask yourself, "How bad do I want it? Your health and fitness goals do not have to be jeopardized. I have put together a No Slacker's Zone list that will help you to recharge, refocus and get you pumped up for your fitness journey.

 1. Schedule your workouts 

If you actually schedule in your workouts on a calendar, and post it where you can see it, you are more likely to stick to a consistent routine. Often, we brush off exercise and fit it in when and where we can but if you really are serious about it then it will become a part of your daily routine like getting up going to work.  Personally, I cannot always make it to the gym, but I do take the time to workout at home if need be.

2. Determine the duration of your workout

Get the most out of your workouts by setting a specific time that you will spend on cardio as well as strength training. I used to be one that was in and out the gym in 25-30 minutes flat. Although 30 minutes is not bad IF you have really got in there and kicked butt. If you leave the gym feeling just as happy go lucky as when you went in, then you didn't really workout and that equals wasted time. You could have  just stayed home and had a donut, I'm just saying...Lol.

 3. Stay Fueled

Staying hydrated is key to any great workout. If you are sweating a lot when you workout then you are losing a lot of electrolytes. This could in turn lead to dehydration which will make you tire real quick. Dehydration can cause health problems such as heat stroke, kidney problems and cardio-vascular issues. Water is the best choice for hydration but sports drinks are also a good option if not filled with tons of artificial sweetener's.

4. Dress for success

I am not saying you have to run out and buy all the latest workout gear, but you should have some level of care of what you are wearing when you go to the gym. I strongly believe that when you dress in a way that makes you feel good, it boosts your confidence and self-esteem. You will perform at a higher level if you look and feel great. Bright colors compared to dark colors are definitely more uplifting and puts you in a good mood. The point is to not just throw on any old thing and run out the door, but to coordinate your workout clothes with nice matching colors that make you feel good.

5. Be patient with the process

I am learning this rule. Often we think that we are supposed to drop all this weight in a short period of time because we have been working out for a month straight. Wishful thinking, huh?! If it were only that easy. I have found that the older I get, I have to workout a LOT more to even see a few pounds come off, imagine that! Your metabolism will certainly let you know that you are no longer a spring chicken and that you have to work for every pound! Anything worth having takes time so be patient with the process. I have decided to not focus so much on the weight loss and being stressed over every pound but to just focus on the process and enjoy the journey by finding fun activities to challenge me and to most of all love myself and not compare to others.

Miss InspireU

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I absolutely adore this video of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama dancing with 106 year old Virginia McLaurin during the Black History Month Celebration at the White House. What a joy it would have been to be there to see this. I think I have watched this video several times and a big smile always comes across my face. It blessed me to see just how excited and honored Ms. McLaurin was to meet the President and First Lady. Not only is she 106 and still thriving, she has been alive to see many historical moments in the U.S. and this one I believe is her biggest yet. She never expected to even get a chance to see, nonetheless experience having an African American President and First Lady in the White House.  I think she could teach all of us a little something about life herself. When President Obama asked her how she is able to still dance, she responded by saying, "you just have to keep moving"! God bless her heart and may God bless President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. You are truly the most genuine leaders that I have ever seen and have ALWAYS had a heart for people from day one.

Miss InspireU

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Photo credit: Toni Payne

How many times have you said you want your life to change? How many times do you keep repeating the same patterns just to get the same results? You say that your going to start tomorrow, yet tomorrow never seems to come. This is a real struggle for many women. We are the people pleasers. We are everything to everyone else but tend to neglect ourselves over and over again. Ladies, it is time to take control and start living a life of fulfillment and prosperity. I believe that joy and happiness can be yours if you truly commit to making it a priority!

Start by letting go of anyone and anything that is taking up space in your life that is not adding value. World renowned motivational speaker, Tony Robbins says "In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in awhile that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently".  This could not be more true.

I found that in my own life I was getting so frustrated with myself. I wasn't getting anywhere and felt like I was spinning my wheels. One day, I just realized that enough is enough. Life was just passing me by and I was getting nowhere fast. I started to work on my business ideas, and began to blog again. I also have decided to go back and venture into some of the things I used to love to do in my younger days such as voice-over work, theatre, etc. I am so excited and feel so optimistic about the future.

You too, can revive old dreams and do the things you once loved. It is never too late to get started. Don't let anyone tell you, you can't do it or it is too late. You deserve to live the life of your dreams. You deserve to be happy and take time out for yourself. Don't worry if you feel like you may not have the support system available. The key is to get started and I believe once your family and or friends see how much happier you are, they will jump on board and cheer you on. I will be your personal cheerleader. Go for what you love and live your best life. You are so worth it!

Miss InspireU

Monday, February 15, 2016


Meet the winner of the $10 Sephora gift card, Tammie Sankey! Tammie won the drawing just by following my blog and commenting on the posts. If your a new blogger, you know just how challenging it can be to gain followers, so Tammie I truly appreciate your support and I will continue to do my best to post quality content.

For those of you who want to get involved in future drawings, I will be conducting random drawings throughout the upcoming months so stay tuned for your chance to win!

Be inspired!

Friday, February 5, 2016


Go Red for Women's Heart Health

Today kicks off Women's Heart Disease Awareness Month. It is a great reminder of the importance for us women to put ourselves first and make our health more of a priority. This hits home for me because a close family member of mine had a health scare last year and it involved her heart. It was so unexpected and literally knocked us off our feet. We could not understand how she could be so young and nearly had heart failure. This truly opened our eyes and showed us that no matter your age, heart disease can creep upon you and you wouldn't even know it. See, the thing is, she finally realized how she had not really been taking good care of herself as she should. The lack of exercise, poor eating and excess stress had begun to take it's toll.

One thing about the human body, is it will tell you when enough is enough, whether you like it or not. Whether you are ready to slow down or not, your body will react in a way where you will be  knocked off your feet and you are forced to listen! This incident opened all of our eyes. There are luckily ways that you can avoid heart disease as well as recover after you have had a diagnosis.

1. Exercise is key
 Most of us already know the importance of exercise but we often do not take it seriously until something happens. More often than not, if you exercise consistently, you can avoid many health issues. Our bodies were made to self heal but it only does it's job if we make the time to get in our physical activity on a daily basis.

2. You are what you eat
This statement is so true and not just a cliché. If you are filling your body with fried foods, sugar loaded deserts, excess carbs, etc. then you can only expect that your body is eventually going to shut down. I love a good burger once in awhile but I have learned to do things in moderation. I mentioned in my earlier article that I had started doing the "Day Off Diet" created by Dr. Oz. It has helped me balance out my eating in a major way. I am more cautious of the things I eat but I allow myself one day off during the weekend, where I eat a meal of my choice. It has not effected my weight loss goals at all. The key is not to pig out and lose your mind on that day off.

3. Portion, portion, portion
I just mentioned eating everything in moderation. You don't have to deny yourself your favorite foods, BUT if your going to have it, you must be disciplined to limit yourself to one serving. You would be amazed at how much we as Americans eat when you really learn what a real serving is. We are often eating way more than we should because we are used to eating until we feel full. Monitoring your portions is vital if your going to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself. I have learned to use measuring cups and read labels a lot more often now.

4. Manage stress
This is something we often hear all the time but still ignore and don't treat it as we should. Stress can be good to an extent but not if it is getting to a point where you are worrying all the time or upset about every little thing that happens. Life happens and there are some things we can control and some things that are out of our control. This, I have learned to accept and I had to really pray about this and ask God to worry about things out of my control. The sooner you realize this the better. How do you deal with stress? You know there was a time, I was so stressed out I literally started drinking alcohol. I am not a drinker at all but I felt I needed something to help me relax. It wasn't anything real strong and it wasn't every day but the fact that I felt I needed a drink because what I was dealing with was not good at all. Now, I make more time with friends, I started blogging which is very relaxing as well as inspiring for me. Find what you love and spend more time doing it to conquer stress.

5. Love thyself
Love yourself enough to take better care of you. No one else can do it for you. Decide today that you are worth it and make the necessary lifestyle changes so you can be healthier. Good health leads to overall well-being. Write a list of daily affirmations you can say every morning you awake. This is quite empowering! I am all about encouraging yourself and building yourself up. You can start with something like this: "I am a beautiful, strong and courageous woman. I value my body and I will commit to being healthier and take better care of me."

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


This chicken stir-fry, is one of my favorite go to light meals that I make when I am trying to eat clean. I usually add some steamed brown rice to top it off. This is one of the meals you can eat with the #Dr. Oz Day Off Diet. He stresses the importance of eating protein. I used to try to shy away from protein when cutting back but I find it keeps me full longer when I do eat it. The key is to eat it in moderation. The eating plan stresses about six ounces of protein a day, split between lunch and dinner. Being creative is the key and trying new recipes to keep things from getting boring.  I got through my first week and am excited about my 3lb weight loss! It may not sound like a lot but I am thankful for every pound that I can lose because every pound matters. One day at a time for me. My plan is to do this safely and just make smarter choices without starving myself. I will be posting my of my eat clean dishes and sharing my journey with you.  I hope that you will join me and post your ideas and what you are doing to have a healthier lifestyle. I look forward to your comments!

Be blessed.

Alyssa (Miss InspireU)
Self-Development Coach and Blogger

Saturday, January 9, 2016


My oh my, 2016 has finally arrived and I am ready to get things poppin! How about you? The beginning of the new year is ALWAYS a great time for a fresh start. All the goals that you did not get a chance to complete the year before, you have a chance to make it happen in the new year. What a great feeling isn't it? If God has blessed you to see another year, then you best take advantage of it to the fullest. I feel blessed to see another year and am expecting big things in 2016!

One goal of mine, is to tackle my long, hard road to weight loss and better health. Many of you can relate to me right? The yo-yo dieting, doing good for the summer but falling off during the winter. How about the multiple weight loss plans out there that seem to only work temporarily, like the cereal diet, or the soup I mean, the lists goes on and on, you get my drift. All jokes aside, I am really stepping up this year and making some real, doable lifestyle changes.  I am done with yo-yo dieting. I have a cute little dress that is just calling my name and darn it, I am determined to look as good in it as possible. Not only that, I have a sweet and adorable little grandson whom  I hope to be around for, for a very long time, so I MUST get it together.

 What about you? What are your weight loss and/or health goals for the  year? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired and writing down the same goals year after year? If so, then I ask you to join along this journey with me. Together let's get moving, share ideas, recipes and of course some fun and laughter along the way and get this thing going!  I don't know about you but I am in it to win it. I personally am kicking things off with #Dr. Oz's "Day Off  Diet". If your down with me and you feel the same way, then all I have left to say is....let's get it!

aka Miss InspireU