Friday, August 7, 2015

Think Positive on Purpose

What words are you speaking over your life? Do you speak words of life or death? Does every time something bad happens, you blame yourself and put yourself down? Believe me, it is easy to do and I have been there done that and it only makes you feel worse. Words are powerful and many people don't realize that they are not getting ahead in life based on how they think and speak. You’re constantly spinning your wheels and facing the same issues over and over again with no success. Your words are dictating the direction you are going in life and whether or not you can overcome difficult situations.  Be encouraged and know that you don't have to continue on with this behavior. Follow these steps below in order to overcome this self-defeating behavior once and for all.

1. It's all about you

Pull out your pen and paper and make a list of 5 to10 things you love about yourself. Maybe it is helping others or maybe it is a talent that you possess. Write it down and repeat it out loud to yourself each day. Making a habit of doing this daily will increase your self-esteem and how you feel about yourself.

2. Watch the company that you keep

The company you keep can play a major role in how you think and speak. Do your friends or relatives always have a complaint or problem on top of problem?  Negative people can drain you and bring down your spirits. If you are around them enough you may start to adopt some of their ways and think and speak destruction which gets you nowhere fast. Surround yourself with positive others and those who will support you and build you up, not tear you down.

3. Stop comparing
Comparing yourself to others can cause low self-esteem and make you feel defeated. You are a winner! Don't get discouraged over what someone else has accomplished. You have accomplishments too and you should not look down on that. Every one's has a different path and their timing may be different from ours. We are all unique in our own way. Embrace your uniqueness and be proud of who you are and what you have achieved thus far. Your season is coming.

4. Give back

Take some time out of your busy schedule to help someone in need. There is always someone out there who may not be as well off and could use a listening ear or a helping hand. There is something about helping others that creates a humble spirit in us. 

5. Believe in yourself
Okay, so you haven't accomplished some of the things you always said you would do, so what...get over it! You can still accomplish your goals and live your dreams if you believe in yourself. There is nothing that a little preparation can't do. George S. Clason from the book, The Richest Man in Babylon wrote, "willpower is the unflinching purpose to carry a task you set for yourself to fulfillment.  Use your willpower to encourage yourself and be inspired to move forward today!

I want to encourage to stay focused and don't allow your bad days to outweigh your good days. Pay more attention to the way you think and speak over situations in your life and about yourself overall. Love yourself, embrace your differences, acknowledge your accomplishments and no matter what happens on your journey, keep looking forward!
Smooches and be blessed!
Miss InspireU


  1. Very inspiring post! Thank you for the tips.

  2. This was inspiring and this message can help many people way of thinking. Thanks Alyssa 😃
