Monday, October 2, 2017


I am truly enjoying this amazing book by Cora Jakes Coleman! She is an anointed woman of God. It has been awhile since I have sat down and actually read a book because I am usually reading things off the internet. I actually bought the book on a whim and so glad I did. I had been facing some challenges and things got really tough. I always know to turn to God but sometimes your faith is really tested and you start to question God. Maybe you don't go through this but I have to be open and honest. Yes, I have questioned God and did not understand why I was going through so much. I normally pull myself together and snap back into shape.

This book is something that I needed to remind me that life happens and there are others out there just like me who go through storms and waiver in their faith. Mrs. Jakes Coleman teaches the strategy of "Faithing It" and shares her struggles and how she overcame them with her faith. Sometimes we think we're go through a lot until we read someone else's story. Now, I have only got through the first three chapters of her book so far and I am already feeling my faith being strengthened! This is just how anointed she is. I am anxious to get deeper into the book and hoping to finish it soon. I encourage you to read it, especially if you are doubting God and struggling with your faith. Sometimes we just have to faith it in order to make it past the test. Challenges will come and obstacles will be put in our path to try to break us down and destroy our hopes. But, if we stand firm on God's word and not give in, God will turn our bad into something good!

If you have read this book or start to read it, I would like to get your feedback on what you think. I don't think that you will be disappointed. Peace and blessings until next time.

Life Coach Alyssa
 (aka:Miss InspireU)


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Many of us know the saying, if you don't stand for something, you will stand for anything. I
 believe this holds true in the lives of many. You may have a passion for something, a true gift that you can share with the world but you hold back, constantly doubting your ability. You worry about how others will receive you or if it is the right time. Do you realize that you are selling yourself short and missing out on the blessings of God when you hide your gifts from others? Don't you know that your gift is special and could change the world? Believe that there is someone out there who may be looking and searching for what you have to offer but they may never get it if you don't move forward. Be passionate about your gifts. Trust your gut, trust yourself and what makes you unique. But, above all things, trust in God and in the gifts He has blessed you with.

I realize that everyone may not know what their gifts are but believe me they are there. I often advise people to look back to their childhood. Often times you will discover it there. Ask  yourself what your interests were as a child and what seemed to come natural to you. Those same questions could be asked as an adult as well. I often say to refer to your childhood because as kids we had that big faith and grand visions for our future. As a kid you don't see limits you just dream big and know that without a doubt your going to fulfill whatever it is that inspired you and made you feel good about yourself. As adults we tend to lose that child-like faith as well as the vision that we once had. I encourage you to spend some time brainstorming and writing down the things that come natural to you and you enjoy doing. If you need some help with this feel free to send me an email at I would love to assist you in getting started. Don't let life pass you by anymore but take a stand for your happiness and your future on purpose. "I would rather fail pushing forward than in retreat". Grant Cardone

Miss InspireU